Hands Sore...
So getting used to the new handlebars is painful! My hands are sore city!
Fundraising/Personal Update:as of July 24, 2006$2,625For those of you that have been checking this site regularly I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been very busy personally and then to top it all off, the tv blogging has been taking up a huge amount of my time but it pays off for me. A hard balance I can assure you.
I'm happy to report that since the last fundraising update, the number has jumped significantly! As you know my goal this year is $3,500 and we are less than $1,000 away from reaching that goal! People have been very generous once again and I cannot thank you all enough. I really want to surpass my goal and there are still plenty of people to hit up which makes this very possible.
I want to thank all the tv blog readers that have donated, especially Kathie from GMMR for the long running AD of my lovely mug she has up on her site. It's brought a couple folks over on top of her generous donation! She's my girl. I'd also like to thank Daniel from thetvaddict.com for his generous donation and continued support. I hope you too will give, even $10 will make a difference to an AIDS organization.
Keep the donations rolling in as I continue to train this summer.
Bike Update:
I finally decided on the bike that would be mine. It's a Specialized Sequoia Elite and I love it! It's a fast little bugger and weighs about as much as Nicole Richie's pinky. Very slick, sleek, and sparkly. I love sparkly! Jon wanted to get me those handlebar streamers for it but they just didn't look right. Sorry babe.
Closing Ceremony:
For anyone in the NYC area on September 17th, please head down to The Center around 4pm to see all us riders ride through the streets of Manhattan and to celebrate this years event! More details to come.
Bike Buying Update:So I think I am finally willing to part with the well deserved and till now reserved cash I've been saving... I think I may buy my new bike this week! For the past 4 years I've been doing AIDS Rides and trotting around town on a Specialized Crossroads Hybrid. It's been a great and reliable bike. It's been through a lot. 3 AIDS Rides, a make up AIDS Ride, torrential rains, the tail end of a hurricane, a good amount of sunshine, a few almost crashes, and at times one of two almost fisticuffs with Red Sox douchebags sitting in traffic. It's been from NYC to Boston. It's been across the whole state of Massachusetts a few times. It's been out to Newton and back for a year or two until I quit that shit whole job and now it goes from Boston to Brookline and also to the Financial District on a daily basis. She gets around! Because I am neither a cyclist like Lance Armstrong or a money maker like Donald Trump I'll be focusing my monies on a middle of the road-road bike instead of some suped up thousands of dollars jobey that would break me. I think (I say "think" because you never know with my decision making) I've decided on the bike I'll be getting. It's another Specialized because I have a little bit of superstition in this area. My current Specialized has never even had a flat tire so I think it's the Fort Knox of brands and I like and trust the track record I have! I wanted something lighter (how could it not be) and more sleek. I want clipless pedals though I'm sure I'll fall over a couple times in the first month. I want I want I want...Anyhoo, I think I'm getting the Specialized Sequia Elite.
I'll let you know if I come home with it anytime soon.