duckyxdale's AIDS Ride

Monday, June 26, 2006

AIDS Ride Update
Fundraising Total as of 6/26/06 $1,800

So I was on vacation, deal with the no posts! Geesh! So as you can see the total funds raised is now up to $1,800 which is pretty awesome! Thanks again to all of you that have donated. If you've not donated but would like to, please do so by clicking on the link to the right!

As always, follow this site for more goodies! Updates on training songs will be coming in the next day or two.

Also, there is an update on a prize for those in contention for the top sponsors - more to come!

Thanks again, dan.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

AIDS Ride Update

Fundraising Total
as of 6/13/06


That is amazing you guys! I want to thank everyone that has already contributed and I want to thank everyone that is still thinking about it. We're on our way to reaching my goal of $3,500 and it's all because of people like you!

I'd like to thank blog reader Jill M. for donating! Jill, I don't know you but I wanted to make sure you got a shout-out for your generous donation! I really appreciate it and hope that you will follow my progress both funds and ride wise.

Also, a call to readers... If you know any of the names listed below and know that they have donated to me (or if you're one of them) please let me know. There are a couple random donations out there and we're trying to figure out who they belong to. Please let me know if you are on this list and we'll ensure you're taken care of.

Christine Manz
Sigfredo Torres
Ronald Dunbar
Jennifer Tankleff
Supriya Joshi
Nikki Ford
Eric Gross
Elizabeth Congdon
David Keesey

Thanks again y'all!


Training Song of The Day

Girls & Boys

This is just such a great dance song so it has all the beats and drops that make it a wonderful bike riding/hill training song! Not that I rode any hills today, that's besides the point here folks... its just a great song which has inspired me in many ways over many periods of my life. The Club Chameleon kids will know what I'm talking about there. What?!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Training Song of The Day



This has a great section in the middle that is just perfect for hill climbing. Which I hate, not a fan of the hills. Luckily it looks like this years ride will not have as many hills, and hell I won't be in the mountains this year so it can only be easier!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Training Song of The Day

Only Happy When It Rains


So it's been like monsoon season here in Boston and I thought this one was appropriate. It's old school Garbage and it's pissy but still upbeat and kinda sexy. It's a good riding song. Gotta love Shirls...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Training Song of the Day

How Soon Is Now

I know you were probably expecting The Smith's version, but this version by ex-hardcore gods Quicksand is the more aggressive brother to The Smith's version and a hell of a lot better for riding!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Training Song of The Day

The Short Weekend Begins With Longing
by Action Action

Friday, June 02, 2006

Training Song of The Day

Existentialism on Prom Night
by: Straylight Run


Thursday, June 01, 2006

My 2006 Ride Site Is Officially Open!
click to view
click to donate!